Baby Names

Huge collection of 48116 names starting with A - Z, meaning and numerology. Check all the pages to find your unique name for newborn.
  • Baby Name
  • Meaning
  • Numerology
  • Gender
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  • Abhra
  • Cloud;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Abhraganga
  • The Celestial Ganga;
  • 6
  • Girl
  • Abhrakasin
  • An Ascetic;With Clouds for Shelter;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Abhram
  • Clear;Steady;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abhramani
  • Sun or Moon;
  • 4
  • Girl
  • Abhramu
  • Steady; Clear;
  • 1
  • Girl
  • Abhranaga
  • Celestial Elephant;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Abhranta
  • Composed; Clear;Unperplexed;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Abhranti
  • Without Error;
  • 1
  • Girl
  • Abhraroha
  • Borne by the Clouds;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Abhrayanti
  • Forming Clouds; Bringing Rain;
  • 9
  • Girl
  • Abhriruci
  • Deep Interest;
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Abhrottha
  • Indra's Thunderbolt;Clouds Born;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Abhu
  • Nonexistent;Unborn;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Abhya
  • Fearless;
  • 1
  • Girl
  • Abhyagni
  • A Son of Aitasa;Towards the Fire;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Abhyas
  • Study;Practice;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Abhyasathisaya gnatha
  • who can be realized by constant practice
  • 2
  • Abhyavarshini
  • 2
  • Girl
  • Abhyuday
  • Progress;Progressive;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Abhyudaya
  • Elevation; Prosperity; Sunrise;Rising; Increase;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abhyudh
  • Good Learner;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Abhyudhay
  • New Sun Rise;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Abhyudita
  • Raised; Prospered;Elevated;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Abhyudya
  • Beginning;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Abhyukt
  • Lord Krishna;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abi
  • All Given to Good;My Father;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Abichal
  • 9
  • Girl
  • Abid
  • Worshipper of God; Spark of Fire;Worshipper of Allah;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abida
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Abidah
  • Worshipper; Devotee;
  • 7
  • Girl
  • Abigail
  • Gives Joy;Joy to the Father; My Father Rejoices; Father's Joy; My Father is Joy; The Intelligent; Head of a Monastery; Father of Exaltation; Father in Rejoicing;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Abigya
  • Experienced;
  • 9
  • Girl
  • Abij
  • Seedless;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Abijah
  • Yahweh is My Father; Gift of God;The Lord is My Father;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Abijeet
  • Winner;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abijith
  • Fearless;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Abiksha
  • 6
  • Girl
  • Abilash
  • Desire;Wish;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abilasha
  • Wish; Goddess Lakshmi; Desire;
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Abilisha
  • Money;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abimanyu
  • Arjuna's Son;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Abimola
  • Born to be Rich;
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Abinaash
  • Immortal;Eternal;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Abinaashjot
  • Eternal Light;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Abinash
  • Indestructible;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Abinaswar
  • One who Never Destroy;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abinav
  • Novel; Good Listener; Brand New;Young; Innovative;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Abinay
  • Lord Shiva;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abinaya
  • The Royal Guard;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Abinesh
  • Immortal;Eternal;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Abinish
  • Hope;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Abir
  • Thinker; Strong; Colour;Perfume; Traveller; Colourful Fragrance; Red Powder; Red Colour; Brave; Intelligent Respect;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Abira
  • Strong;
  • 4
  • Girl
  • Abiradhi
  • 7
  • Girl
  • Abirami
  • Friendly; Pleasure of God; Goddess Laxmi;
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Abiramsundari
  • Beautiful Like a Fairy;
  • 4
  • Girl
  • Abisaran
  • Together;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Abisha
  • Gift of God;
  • 4
  • Girl
  • Abishai
  • My Father is a Gift;
  • 4
  • Girl
  • Abisheik
  • Price of Lord;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Abishek
  • Ritual;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Abishni
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Abishta
  • Lady of the House;
  • 6
  • Girl
  • Abisri
  • 4
  • Girl
  • Abivanth
  • Royal Salute;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Abiyah
  • Handsome;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Abizer
  • Father of Wealth;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abja
  • Born in Water;
  • 5
  • Girl
  • Abjayoni
  • Another Name for Brahma;Born of the Lotus;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Abjini
  • Multitude of Lotuses;
  • 9
  • Girl
  • Abjit
  • Conquering Water;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Ablaa
  • Perfectly Formed; A Flower;
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Abmel
  • Hopeful;
  • 6
  • Girl
  • Abnaasi
  • Immortal;Invincible;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Abnash
  • That cannot be Destroyed;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Abner
  • Father of Light;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Abni
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Aboil
  • The Name of a Flower;
  • 3
  • Girl
  • Aboli
  • A Flower; Name of a Flower;
  • 3
  • Girl
  • Abony
  • The World;
  • 3
  • Girl
  • Abqurah
  • 5
  • Girl
  • Abra
  • Cloud;Fire;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Abrad
  • Cool; Coldest;Mail;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Abraham
  • Father of a Multitude and Many Nations;Faultless;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Abrar
  • Saint;A Truthful Person;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Abrik
  • Precious Like Gold;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Absalom
  • God the Father of Peace;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Absara
  • Moves in the Rains in the Clouds; Nymph;
  • 6
  • Girl
  • Abthi
  • One who Lives in Abtah;A Place Near Makkah;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • AbuBakr
  • The Companion of Prophet Mohammed;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • AbulKhayr
  • One who does Good;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Aburva
  • 2
  • Girl
  • Abyad
  • Narrator of Hadith;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Abyan
  • Very Clean;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abyuday
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abzar
  • Mighty;Powerful;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Acala
  • The Immovable One;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • acalah
  • non-moving
  • 8
  • Acalan
  • Immovable; Without Moving;Canoe;
  • 5
  • Boy
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